Monday, June 16, 2008

Azure Mountain hike

The Azure Mountain diversion went off without a hitch despite a weather forecast of "scattered thunder showers." It was pretty warm, made warmer by the high humidity. Joe Petrick and Jane Vivala joined "interpreter-in-training", Marianne Hebert up the short mountain hike. Normally you can see the high peaks from the summit, but on such a hazy day, we couldn't see past the nearest local peaks.

We all had a good time, despite the overly active black flies. Wildflowers were glorious. Jane and Marianne had fun with identifying a variety of native flowers. Lunch at the nearby Deer Valley restaurant included two house specialties: poutine and deep fried cheesecake!

Jane volunteered her services to help prevent this glacial erratic from rolling down the mountain!

See more photos on the SUNYLA Flikr groups.

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